
Latrobe City Council


Rising house prices and rents, combined with limited investment in social and affordable housing, have left many households in the Latrobe community experiencing housing stress.

SGS Economics and Planning, in collaboration with Latrobe City Council, has developed the Latrobe Social and Affordable Housing Strategy. This strategy is a robust response to the housing crisis, advocating for increased affordable housing provisions in the area.

Latrobe’s City is undergoing significant economic and social changes. The Council Plan 2021-2025 sets a vision for Latrobe to be “smart, creative, healthy, sustainable, and connected,” aiming for a diverse, resilient community. Central to this vision is the need for diverse and affordable housing options.

Several trends highlight this need: shifting demographics, changing house preferences, and increasing demand for diverse housing options. The local rental market is flooded, putting pressure on services and increasing the need for short-term accommodation. Homelessness rates are rising, and Latrobe is among the most socio-economically disadvantaged areas in the state, a situation exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The benefits of social and affordable housing

Increasing the supply of social and affordable housing in Latrobe City will bring significant benefits:

  1. Reducing disadvantage: Affordable housing can improve health, increase work and study engagement, reduce crime, and strengthen community ties.
  2. Better labour markets: Affordable housing close to jobs supports business growth and a thriving local economy.
  3. Improved diversity: Diverse housing promotes cultural and social integration, fostering economic opportunities.
  4. Supporting ageing in place: Varied housing options allow people to live in suitable homes as their needs change.
  5. Enhancing city culture: A reputation for diversity and tolerance attracts business investment, skilled workers, and tourism.

Key actions

The strategy outlines 16 actions to improve housing outcomes in Latrobe City. These include:

  • Strategy 8: Prepare a program of advocacy to State and Federal Government for continuing and increased action to address need across the state.
  • Strategy 9: Seek a planning scheme amendment to include a strong statement of support for affordable housing contributions in Latrobe.
  • Strategy 10: Develop Council’s policy and approach to inclusionary requirements for affordable housing.
  • Strategy 14: Provide appropriate direction regarding preferred locations for social and affordable housing.

Latrobe City can address housing stress, promote social equity, and build a stronger, more connected community by taking these steps.

Read the full strategy here.

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