
SGS Economics and Planning Energy Sector

Transformative change in Australia's renewable energy sector.

Australia’s renewable energy sector is undergoing transformative and rapid change. This presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to design a net-zero transition pathway that accelerates positive social, economic, and environmental change for all Australian communities.

Energy infrastructure planning

Effective energy infrastructure planning is crucial for coordinating major projects. It requires a comprehensive understanding of economies and communities to ensure that the benefits of these developments are equitable, provide value for money, and bolster Australia's global competitiveness in the energy sector.

Leading advisors in Energy sector services

SGS is a leading advisor to all levels of government, investors, developers and operators on:

  1. Equitable energy transitions: We focus on creating a fair and inclusive energy transition with equitable access to clean energy for all Australian communities. This involves shaping policies that support First Nations rights and interests and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.
  2. Decarbonisation pathways: Our expertise includes outlining effective decarbonisation strategies to achieve net-zero emissions. We identify key levers for reducing carbon footprints in the transport and housing sectors, analyse policy gaps, and model infrastructure needs, such as electrical vehicle charging stations.
  3. Cumulative and spatial impacts: We assess major energy infrastructure projects' cumulative and spatial impacts. This involves understanding local and regional economic and social impacts, including housing needs and employment changes. We also explore ways to enhance social cohesion and build trust in government during periods of significant change.

How we help

For local governments

We help local governments in several key areas:

  • Impact assessment: We estimate the potential impacts of energy projects on local communities through detailed labour market and demographic profiling, economic impact assessments, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Benefits-sharing models: We provide insights into proven benefits-sharing models tailored to the local context, helping governments implement effective strategies for community benefit.
  • Facilitating energy transition: Our approach ensures an equitable transition to clean energy, supporting communities in accessing emerging job opportunities, skills and training, lower energy costs, and other benefits—no matter who they are or where they live.

    For project leaders and investors

    We help project leaders and investors by:

    • Investment analysis: We assess investment merit using cost-benefits analyses, computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling, scenario modelling and options analysis. These tools shape timely due diligence and provide crucial insights for project viability.
    • Return on investment: We quantify financial and non-financial returns, providing a comprehensive view of potential investment outcomes.
    • Market and economic drivers: We profile regional supply and demand dynamics in labour skills, housing, and supporting infrastructure. This knowledge is crucial for policy development, attracting regional investment, and promoting sustainable regional living.
    • Workforce and skills planning: We model skills and workforce requirements, considering current and forecast capacity in regional labour markets. This ensures that planning addresses the diverse needs across the project lifecycle and prepares regional areas for shifts in demand.
    • Social licence to operate: We help develop a social license by fostering meaningful engagement and trust-building with communities, First Nations peoples, and other stakeholders, engaging the long-term success of projects.
    • Regulatory compliance: We evaluate economic, environmental, and social impacts to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, often engaging with communities to address concerns and achieve balanced outcomes.

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