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The next step in our B Corp journey: recertification!

Posted May 31, 2022

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SGS reaches a new milestone: B Corp recertification.

When we first discovered the B Corp movement, we knew it was a perfect fit for our business. B Corp organisations around the world lead economic systems change to create an inclusive and equitable economy that benefits all people, communities, and the planet.

We joined the movement and became a certified B Corp in 2017 following a rigorous assessment of our social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.

Since certification, we've been looking for new ways to have more impact and improve our B Corp certification score. And we did just that. We made changes to our business structure and work processes and increased our score from 81.3 in 2017 to 106.2 in 2022.

Our recent recertification reflects our hard work and shared purpose. Being a B Corp shows clearly what SGS stands for. It demonstrates that as an agency, we balance profit and purpose said SGS CEO, Alison Holloway.

While we have had a B Corp certification since 2017, SGS has had purpose at our core for over three decades. A B Corp certification does two things: It identifies the most responsibly-minded businesses and it provides those businesses with a robust framework to keep improving. That's exactly what we've done since we first became certified. The increase in our score reflects our hard work and shared purpose. We identified areas we could improve and worked to change our policies and practices.

— Alison Holloway

SGS Associate & Partner Tara Callinan led the SGS B Corp recertification process over five years, working with a multi-disciplinary team to address B Corp certification legal requirements, build on business systems and processes and improve environmental practices.

We've restructured our constitution, expanded our knowledge and introduced new systems and processes throughout our B Corp journey. We focused on two key areas during our recertification process: addressing the B Corp legal requirements and improving our environmental performance. There is no doubt that our successful recertification was a group effort, and I'm incredibly proud of our team's commitment to constantly improving the way we work to have more impact. But we're not done yet. Our next B Corp recertification is in 2025 and we're already thinking of new ways to improve our impact.

— Tara Callinan

More about the B Corp mission

SGS Economics and Planning Alison Holloway Square Colour 2
For further information contact:

Alison Holloway

Chief Executive Officer | Principal & Partner

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SGS Economics and Planning Tara Callinan Colour Square Resized
For further information contact:

Tara Callinan

Associate I Head of Consulting

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