+ 61 2 8307 0121
Bachelor of Science (City & Regional Planning), Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science Research Methods, Post Graduate Diploma in Town Planning, PhD Regional Economic Development
With expertise in town planning and regional economic development, Rob works to shape more inclusive, connected and prosperous places for people.
Rob joined the town planning profession after growing up in a public housing estate in the UK and realising he could have an impact on where people live, the accommodation they live in, where they work, study and shop through his work.
He is driven to see his projects through to tangible change – whether these are town centre developments, new release precincts or infrastructure projects that bring lasting improvements to urban areas. One of the most gratifying aspects of Rob's job is seeing projects making positive and lasting change.
Rob specialises in land use planning and policy, including industrial land use planning in inner metropolitan areas. He looks at economic development for growth areas and regional areas and undertakes commercial centre economic analysis, land market/industry analysis and property economics. Rob’s involvement in strategic planning includes employment land studies, master planning, housing market analysis and financial and economic appraisal.
Rob lives in an off-grid property and is busy regenerating the land around. When he's not planting trees, he's usually practising martial arts, in particular, Judo and Brazilian Jujitsu.