Victoria’s alpine resorts are crucial to the state’s tourism economy.

To understand the full scope of their impact, SGS Economics and Planning partnered with Alpine Resorts Victoria to deliver a study on the economic and social significance of Mt Buller, Falls Creek, Mt Hotham, Mt Stirling, Mt Baw Baw, and Lake Mountain.

The study revealed significant contributions from these alpine resorts, including:

  • $2.14 billion in annual economic output, with $1.33 billion directly from visitor spending.
  • 12,130 full-time equivalent jobs created.
  • $154 million in annual user and health benefits, including $137 million from improved mental and physical health of visitors.
  • $820 million in annual existence benefits, reflecting the value people place on the resorts' presence even if they don't visit.
  • $133 million in annual business and worker benefits, comprising $121 million in business profits and $12 million in worker benefits.
  • Every $1 of government investment in resort assets attracts $4 of private sector investment.

Beyond their economic contributions, these resorts provide significant environmental benefits to Victoria’s ecosystems. Programs run by Alpine Resorts Victoria include renewable energy generation, resource recovery, land stability initiatives, integrated water management, weed and pest control, biodiversity management and protection of threatened species.

The resorts also offer substantial social benefits, improving both physical health and overall wellbeing:

  • Enhanced physical health for visitors through activities that promote longer, healthier lives.
  • Reduced healthcare costs by lowering the incidence of diseases associated with physical inactivity.
  • Increased economic productivity as active individuals take fewer sick days compared to those who are inactive.

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