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SGS Economics and Planning low carbon economy

Reduced carbon emissions would save Australian economy $550b: report


The Australian economy would be $550 billion better off by 2030 through reducing carbon emissions to stem the impact of damaging climate change, a new report has found. Described as the first comparison of the costs of emission reduction relative to the potential damages from climate change under current policy settings, the report by SGS and the Melbourne Sustainable Societies Institute at the University of Melbourne finds Australia is on track for $535 billion in economic damage within a decade, if global emissions continue at their current rate.
SGS Economics and Planning Growing regional aus

Growing regional Australia sustainably: big ideas for a big country


The economy of regional Australia is worth almost $600 billion. If treated as a separate country, regional Australia would be in the top 30 global economies and the 6th largest by land area. Communities across regional Australia are diverse. Some communities are thriving while other communities are in slow decline. Current challenges facing regional communities include climate change, an ageing population, skills shortage, government service provision and access to markets.
SGS Economics and Planning Jeremy G

We need to plan intelligently for Sydney's future jobs



The truth about jobs of the future is that they are complex and need integrated land use. The recent debate on the Greater Sydney Commission’s policy on the management of Sydney’s industrially-zoned lands is welcome as it means an important but neglected strategic planning issue is finally getting the attention it deserves. In the paper, A Metropolis that Works, the Greater Sydney Commission acknowledges that industrial precincts have long been considered “land in waiting” for residential development in Sydney. This has been done without truly understanding...