City of Sydney
Sydney, New South Wales
In-depth research, analysis and advice helps City of Sydney shape a green, global and connected Sydney now and into the future.
Sustainable Sydney 2030 is the vision and strategic plan for the City of Sydney for the next 25 years.
We led a team of planning, transport, social, cultural and economic experts to prepare this long-term vision. The project began with a detailed analysis of the city's existing situation. Discussion papers were prepared for each topic area to confirm their current status, objectives and projections.
Our analysis included a thorough benchmarking of national and international precedents of strategic and vision plans, as well as performance indicators. The outcomes of the analysis and the initial consultation processes were incorporated into a draft strategic vision.
The draft vision (including its principles, targets and strategies) was formulated and tested. Options and priorities were collaboratively explored with stakeholders in terms of feasibility, costs, benefits and interrelationships. All proposals were evaluated in order to select flagship projects and programs for further development.
Sydney 2030 will guide the City of Sydney Council to deliver what the community desires, including:
- a sustainable future
- a clean and integrated transport system which improves pedestrian and cycle access
- secure homes
- inspiring workplaces
- great parks in urban settings
- a vibrant arts and cultural sector
- villages to settle families and businesses
- a dynamic economy, and
- a vibrant and diverse culture.
Following a period of public exhibition and comment, Council reviewed and adopted the Sustainable Sydney 2030 strategy with its vision and 186 initiatives. Sustainable Sydney 2030 actions were embedded into the City's Corporate Plan.