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SGS Economics and Planning Single parent

Single parents renting in Melbourne ‘a hair’s breadth away from homelessness’


Unaffordability is steadily spreading “like an oil stain” to middle and outer suburbs, according to SGS Economics and Planning partner and index author Ellen Witte. According to the latest rental affordability index, even a typical Melbourne household pocketing almost $90,000 in income would struggle to find an affordable family home to rent within 15 kilometres of the city centre. The index – which tracks rental affordability using census data on household incomes and rental bond information lodged with government departments – found the median rental household in greater Melbourne earned $88,400 each year.
SGS Economics and Planning housing

Sydney still critically unaffordable for large proportion of renters


The cost of renting in Sydney has improved but many tenants still struggle to make ends meet, new analysis shows. A biannual report on rental stress reveals a marginal improvement in affordability, but the gains have made little difference for low-income households. The average rental household in Greater Sydney put 27 per cent of their income towards rent in the June quarter, the latest Rental Affordability Index, by National Shelter, Community Sector Banking, SGS Economics & Planning and the Brotherhood of St Laurence, released on Thursday shows.
SGS Economics and Planning Company Conference 5

Team conference: Learning how to have more impact

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In late November, SGS team members around Australia packed their bags and travelled to Melbourne for our annual team conference where we learnt how to have more impact. A certified B Corp, we are part of a global movement of people using business as a force for good in the world. We're always looking for new and better ways to help our clients tackle social, economic and environmental issues that impact communities across Australia and overseas. Our team conferences give us a chance to discuss, debate, reflect and learn (plus have a few laughs along the way). Here are some photos from the day...