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SGS Economics and Planning suburban rail loop

Balanced perspective required on the Suburban Rail Loop



Economics and planning go together like toast and vegemite (or whatever your preferred spread is) – neither is much good without the other. Marion Terrill’s critique of the proposed Suburban Rail Loop underlines the need to apply both economics and planning in the successful prosecution of infrastructure policy. Economists look at the world and try to explain why it is as it is. Planners look at the world and consider how it should or could be. Public policy suffers whenever one perspective trumps the other.
SGS Economics and Planning Marcus S

Who owns the development rights in our cities?


Land development rights are in reality a public asset and should be capable of being exploited only where accompanied by a fair value commitment to improvement of the public realm, including for example through the delivery of more social or affordable housing. Part of the value added from increases in the value of development rights (e.g. as a result of re-zoning or infrastructure improvements) should be re-directed from the seller to the community. This could be done without either increasing the cost of development, or the cost of housing.