
LIVE Q&A EVENT: Adapting to Australia's Changing Climate I Tues 10 Nov 2020

Posted November 11, 2020

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SGS Panellists Adapting to Australias Changing Climate event webpage

To celebrate 30 years in business, we brought together an expert team to look 30 years into the future of Australia’s cities and regions. In 3 events scheduled over 3 days, 16 experts discussed our current trajectory towards 2050 and shared practical steps for shaping a brighter future. Adapting to Australia's Changing Climate is the third event in our series. Watch the event below.

Adapting to Australia's Changing Climate

Australia’s black summer bushfires were a severe blow to unique ecosystems already reeling from decades of adverse impacts. This is just one example of the devastating effect of climate change in Australia. Join panellists Emma Herd, Professor Tom Kompas, Dr Dan Zwartz, Clive Attwater and John Brockhoff as they discuss practical ways governments and organisations can respond to the irreversible effects of climate change and take steps to mitigate further change. This is a free live stream Q&A event moderated by SGS Principal & Partner Ellen Witte.

Watch the event


Emma Herd has been Chief Executive Officer at the Investor Group on Climate Change since August 2015 and was recently appointed to Environment Commissioner at the Greater Sydney Commission. Emma has worked in climate change, sustainability, public policy and finance for almost twenty years. Prior to IGCC, Emma spent 15 years at Westpac Banking Corporation where she worked at the vanguard of climate change and finance. She held a range of roles across carbon finance and emissions trading, ESG Risk assessment, public policy and advocacy, sustainability strategy development and corporate affairs across Westpac Institutional Bank and Westpac Banking Corporation.

Dr Dan Zwartz
is an earth scientist with experience translating climate science for governments and policy makers. He was Principal Scientist, climate change, for the New Zealand Ministry for Environment, where he oversaw updated adaptation guidance for local government, provided advice on setting the new 2050 emissions target in 2019, and led government engagement with the IPCC.

Professor Tom Kompas
is the Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Biosecurity and Environmental Economics and one of three Chief Investigators in the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis at the University of Melbourne. Tom’s research specialises in large-dimensional economic modelling for trade and climate change, cost-benefit analysis and natural resource and environmental economics.

Clive Attwater
is an electronic vehicle and clean energy entrepreneur with over 30 years experience in private enterprise, government and university research in Australia and internationally. He has specialist expertise in climate change, urban renewal, regional economic development, project evaluation and project financial evaluation including projects up to multi-billion dollar scale.

John Brockhoff
is a senior policy advisor and environmental planner with 30 years’ experience as a public sector manager and consultant in planning, infrastructure, environment and economic development. In 2016, John was appointed to principal policy officer (national & NSW) at the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) where he is responsible for developing and advocating PIA's public policy agenda.

Additional resources

The ‘curse of dimensionality’ resolved: The effects of climate change and trade barriers in large dimensional modelling.

The Effects of Climate Change on GDP by Country and the Global Economic Gains From Complying With the Paris Climate Accord.

Land use planning, climate change and changing natural hazards.

Australia's Clean Economy Future: Costs and Benefits

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SGS Economics Planning Ellen Witte
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