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SGS Economics and Planning rental affordability report image

Low-income households under extreme rental stress nationwide; many renters worse off than before COVID-19 pandemic, shows report



The Rental Affordability Index (RAI) 2021 exposes the increasing unaffordability of rental properties across Australia for lower-income households and shows that many renters are worse off than before the COVID-19 pandemic. There is currently no affordable rental housing in Australia for single pensioners, pensioner couples, people on JobSeeker, and single part-time working parents also on benefits, apart from in regional South Australia. Rental prices continue to soar across the regions...
SGS Economics and Planning Marcus Spiller infrastructure costs article image

Are development contributions to blame for housing affordability woes?



Calls by the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation for greater transparency and accountability in the use of development contributions to fund urban infrastructure are well justified. But arguments for a return to traditional funding models based on taxes and recurrent user charges should be treated with caution. They could simply transfer wealth to development site owners with no gain in housing affordability, said Dr Marcus Spiller.